Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Research Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Research Methods - Assignment Example on that point are no responses for the choice not to publish ones gender category. Table 2 Age Profile Age tot up contribution 18-21 41 52.6% 22-25 27 34.6% 26-29 5 6.4% 30+ 5 6.4% Statistics Age N reasonable 78 scatty 0 Mean 1.67 Std. Deviation .863 Skewness 1.332 Std. Error of Skewness .272 Age Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 18-21 41 52.6 52.6 52.6 22-25 27 34.6 34.6 87.2 26-29 5 6.4 6.4 93.6 30+ 5 6.4 6.4 100.0 Total 78 100.0 100.0 As to age, there are four age ranges exemplifyed, beginning from 18 onwards. The greatest percent proportion of responders was that corresponding to 18-21 years of age, comprising slightly higher than 52%. The second-highest number represented was that corresponding to the theme between the ages 22-25 years, representing almost 35% of the survey sample. Together, the two groups comprise nearly 90% of the respondents, indicating that the sample respondent group is dominated by the y oung adults who are still in the process of completing their degrees, and/or still have minimal working exposure. Table 3 Ethnicity Profile Ethnicity Total Percentage innocence 31 39.7% Mixed 1 1.3% Asian 19 24.4% Black 12 15.4% Chinese 8 10.3% MidEast 7 9.0% Statistics Ethnicity N Valid 78 Missing 0 Mean 2.82 Std. Deviation 1.726 Skewness .363 Std. ... ackground) 12 15.4 15.4 80.8 Chinese 8 10.3 10.3 91.0 Middle East or Other Arab State 7 9.0 9.0 100.0 Total 78 100.0 100.0 There are six ethnicities represented in the respondent sample, the largest proportion of which is are White comprised of the British, Irish, or former(a) Caucasian nationals, who comprise nearly 40% of the respondents. Second highest ethnic groups are those of Asian background, and together Whites and Asians represent almost two-thirds of the sample group. The remaining one-third are composed of Blacks with 15%, Chinese with 10%, and Middle-Eastern and Arabs with 9%. There is one respondent who answered that he /she was of mixed ethnicity. Table 4 Skills Self-assessment Mean SD COV Interpret maths 2.987 1.533 0.513 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide Logical 2.962 1.284 0.433 NAD Social 3.321 1.410 0.424 NAD Disputes 3.256 1.372 0.421 NAD Issues 3.128 1.231 0.394 NAD Teamwork 3.141 1.412 0.449 NAD Individual 3.436 1.364 0.409 NAD Alone 3.256 1.333 0.409 NAD Leading 3.372 1.424 0.422 NAD Member 3.051 1.422 0.466 NAD Part_Team 3.256 1.472 0.452 NAD SD = warning deviation, COV = coefficient of variation The respondents were asked to accommodate or disagree with statements which represented their self-assessment of their entrepreneurial skills. Table 4 above provides the summation of all the self-assessed skills, their standard deviation to show the dispersion of the responses given, and the coefficient of variation to give a more stringent description of spread. The interpreting of mean scores is also provided, according to the legend below the table. All the mean scores light within the r ange Neither Agree nor Disagree (NAD), although this is not so much due to consensus as much as it is due to the wide variation among the answers (ranging from 1 to 5). The extreme scores
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